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FME Teaching Committee

About Us

Our aim 

The aim of the FME Teaching Committee is to support a worldwide improvement in learning formal methods, mainly by teaching but also via self-learning. To this end, the committee has members from all over the world, as follows:
  • Rustan Leino, Amazon Web Services, US
  • Leila Ribeiro, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
  • Brijesh Dongol, University of Surrey, UK
  • Alexandra Mendez, Portugal
  • Joao Ferreira, Portugal
  • Catherine Dubois, ENSIIE, France
  • Dino Mandrioli, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
  • Pierluigi San Pietro, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
  • Luigia Petre (chair), Åbo Akademi University, Finland (on sabbatical to University of South Florida, Tampa, US until 28.6.2018) 
  • Bernd Fisher, Stellenbosch University, South Africa
  • Kenji Taguchi, CAV, Japan
  • Graeme Smith, University of Queensland, Australia

In the short term, we address the following objectives:

  1. We revive and bring up-to-date an old database of Formal Methods courses ( taught worldwide. We plan to review this database yearly.
  2. We setup a repository of formal methods case studies, containing simpler as well as more complex examples of using formal methods. This can be liken to the Github repository for software or the Biomodels database for computational models of biological processes. The simpler examples can be for instance used in teaching, while the more complex for (self-)learning various Formal Methods and for demonstrating the Formal Methods strength to, for instance, industry.
  3. We setup a secured repository of exam exercises for Formal Methods courses. These will be available only to teachers.
  4. We work towards achieving a BoK (Body of Knowledge) in Formal Methods, that would enable self-learning as well as various future certifications in Formal Methods. This objective will start up from earlier efforts in this direction, see
  5. We setup a list of "summer" schools in Formal Methods.

In the long run, we have the following goals:

  1. We plan to coordinate “providers" and “consumers" of Formal Methods, so that when some researcher or industrial partner needs certain knowledge in Formal Methods, we can advice where to address these needs.
  2. We plan to investigate whether certain degrees in Formal Methods are feasible. We aim to see whether an International MSc program in Formal Methods can be organised, for instance.
  3. We plan to make industry and life sciences beneficiaries of Formal Methods, by providing case studies from Academia to Industry/Science to demonstrate potential and by getting interesting/real life problems to analyse from Industry/Science to Academia.
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