1. Welcome and introductions
2. What does Teaching FM will focus on?
- Database of courses
- Resources
- BoK (body of knowledge)
- Examples/Case Studies repositories
3. Short term goals
- Database of formal methods courses
- What is a formal methods course
- Format of database (pointers to courses, not content)
- Assign person(s) to design the database and maintain it on some webpage, should be yearly updated and made available to FME
- Some deadline for all of us populating it with what we know of so far (May-June 2018?)
- Some kind of presence at the FM Conference this year? Workshop chairs: Maurice ter Beek, CNR/ISTI, IT and Helen Treharne, University of Surrey, UK
4. Improve the teaching of FM
- MOOC courses?
- Database of formal methods case studies
- There are databases/repositories for software: GitHub
- There are databases/repositories for biological models: BioModels
- Are there any such repositories for formal models? Archive of Formal Proofs (for Isabelle)
- Body of Knowledge
5. Coordinate the FM education of researchers
- If someone needs a course on some method, connect teachers with respective researchers
- organize seasonal schools on FM; is Marktoberdorf “the” current FM school? what other schools are there, if?
- apply for some mobility funding for researchers to travel in order to get familiar with some method
- organize some MSc program in FM, with the graduated getting a FME badge/certification
- if some requirements are met?
- what about teachers? can they earn badges in what they are teaching and if yes, what should be the criteria?
- if we find there’s interest, we could later transform this into a PhD program
6. Make industry and life sciences beneficiaries of FM
- provide case studies from Academia to Industry/Science to demonstrate potential
- get interesting/real life problems to analyse from Industry/Science to Academia
- old Subgroup of Education
- the course list compiled up to 2004, by Jose Nuno Oliveira:
- FME members suggest (there was a survey)
- FME could try to have more political involvement with respect to the education systems in Europe to raise concern about the importance of giving, at least, one full mandatory course on FM in every undergraduate curricula.
- Maybe organising an informal event like ”Fun with Formal Methods”:
- Formal Methods BoK: (maintained by Jonathan Bowen)
- References collected by Kenji Taguchi with respect to BoK on FM:
--------------------------------- References -------------------------------
[1] J. Davies, J. Gibbons, M. Hinchey and K. Taguchi (editors), “Preface Special Issue on Formal Methods Education and Training”, ACM SIGCSE Bulletin inroads, vol. 41, issue 2, June, pp14-16 (2009)
[2] J. Davies, J. Gibbons, M. Hinchey and K. Taguchi (editors), "Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Formal Methods Education and Training" Technical Report GRACE-TR-2008-03, Grace Center, National Institute of Informatics (2008)
Note: "XXX education and training" is a conventional naming of conferences/workshops on education in Software Engineering (e.g., CSEE&T (Software Engineering Education and Training). I preferred this rather than "Teaching Formal Methods".
[3] H. Nishihara, K. Shinozaki, K. Hayamizu, T. Aoki, K. Taguchi, F. Kumeno, “Model Checking Education for Software Engineers in Japan”, in ACM SIGCSE Bulletin inroads, vol 41, issue 2, June, pp45-50 (2009)
[4] K. Taguchi, H. Nishihara, T. Aoki, F. Kumeno, K. Hayamizu, K. Shinozaki, “Building a Body of Knowledge on Model Checking for Software Development”, in Proceedings of COMPSAC ’13, pp784-789, IEEE (2013)
[5] F. Ishikawa, K. Taguchi, N. Yoshioka, S. Honiden, “What Top-Level Engineers Tackle after Learning Formal Methods –Experiences from the Top SE Project”, in Proceedings of Teaching Formal Methods (TFM) ’09, Eindhoven (2009)
[6] C. Artho, K. Taguchi, Y. Tahara, S. Honiden, Y. Tanabe, “Teaching Software Model Checking” Proceedings in Formal Methods in Computer Science Education (FORMED) ’08, pp171-179, Budapest (2008)
[7] S. Honiden, Y. Tahara, N. Yoshioka, K. Taguchi, H. Washizaki, “TopSE: Educating Superarchitects Who Can Apply Software Engineering Tools to Practical Development in Japan”, in Proceedings of IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) ’07, pp708-718, Minneapolis (2007)
Note: ICSE traditionally has a session on education. This paper appeared in the session.
Jonathan Bowen' paper on FMBoK
[8] J. Bowen, S. Reeves: From a Community of Practice to a Body of Knowledge: A Case Study of the Formal Methods Community. FM 2011: 308-322
Stefan Gruner' paper on FMBoK
[9] S. Gruner, A. Kumar, T. Maibaum: Towards a Body of Knowledge in Formal Methods for the Railway Domain: Identification of Settled Knowledge. FTSCS 2015: 87-102